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What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person | How to become a person capable of loving. Love, it is a feeling most sought by humans and hence, rarest to find. Well, it’s not easy to understand such a vast subject by a mere article, but still, we gonna give it a try. We shall try to cover what are the benefits of love, pre-requisites to be loved and some more whereabouts of love. Keep reading through various hard and fast attributes or features of love. Let’s begin the thoughts that ‘should’ surround: What are the benefits of True Love? Love is the purest of feelings. Love is the most precious Jewel. Love is a blissful feeling like Happiness. Love elevates your life to a greater height. Love gives a sense of satisfaction and belongingness in life. Love is the best thing this globe can offer that can satisfy you heart. A life without love is incomplete, so love completes a human being. Now, we know that love is r

Top 5 most important things in life? What should you focus on?

What is the most important thing in life? What should you focus on? Everyone wants to know what they should be focusing on in life. There is so much confusion around this topic. Are you walking the correct path? Most important thing as per the world: The only important thing in life that the world considers, without second thoughts, is Money. But why? Money buys you things you want, material things, solutions to problems, exotic food to eat, a leisurely life, visits to places, trips, fulfilment of dreams and not to offend anyone, it buys people too. With money you get people around you (fake ones?), people caring about you (fake care?), numerous friends (fake ones?), etc, etc... Sounds complete in itself, right? Wait... Now imagine yourself with whole lot of money, access to everything above, and flying on the seventh cloud. But there is No Internal Happiness No real partner to share your feelings No one to love you really No real friends

Who is God? | The Meaning and Concept of God.

Who is God?  | The Meaning and Concept of God |  Understanding Beyond Religion Who is God? This question has sparked philosophical and religious debate for millennia. The answer to this topic would vary from religion to religion depending on their beliefs. But we will try to understand it logically without relating it to any religion so that it appeals to the mind rather than spoon-fed beliefs. Alot of questions are supposed to arise. Let's begin the thoughts that 'should' surround: Who is God? Simply said, God is an Energy that created everything out of itself, whatever we can think of, from Nothingness, like astronomical objects, life form, mind, etc. God is the ultimate creator, and we will refer to it as the God or Energy or the Creator. Now, the list of Questions(Q), Answers(A), and Thoughts(T) arises: Q) Did the Creator create whatever it liked, haphazardly? A) Obviously No, all of it is well planned and well thought of, fr

Why do good things happen to bad people? | Why good people suffer and bad people enjoy life? | Why is Life Unfair?

Why do good things happen to bad people? | Why good people suffer and bad people enjoy life? |  Exploring Life's Unfairness | Why is Life Unfair? Ever wondered why good people face challenges while others seem to get away with bad deeds?  This question has puzzled humanity for centuries. People doing bad deeds are often seen living the best of their lives. It looks like all good things are attracted to them and there is no higher power to judge their actions. On the other hand, people who are genuinely good are seen struggling and going through pain. People who are humble, willing to do good for others,  lack the resources. Why is it so? Why this law of nature seems unfair? This doubt arises in everyone's mind when they try to become good and suffer.  Let's begin the thoughts that 'should' surround: 1) Stop comparing, getting disheartened and get clear with certain concepts given below. Considering Current life in Isolation: The current life is NOT to

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life | Who is the best Role Model?

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life?  Choosing the Ultimate Role Model: Exploring Divine Guidance for Life  Who is your Role Model? People generally have the tendency to consider someone as their ideal so as to follow and become like that person in life. People choose Celebrities, historical figures, successful individuals, Parents, Elders, Leaders, Sportsperson, etc. as their ideal, but is it the best notion? Can there be a source of infinite wisdom and perfect character to guide you? Let's begin the thoughts that 'should' surround: Who do people choose as an ideal? Mostly this decision is taken considering the behavior, qualities, achievements, etc. The crux being people need someone to showcase certain level of qualities to become a follower. Suppose you have found such a person in life. But can't there be a better ideal? Can't there be someone with such qualities but at a higher level? Is it not that humans are flawed? Have you chosen the o