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How to choose a companion? | Finding your perfect companion: Qualities, Compatibility and Lasting Connection.

How to choose a companion? | Finding your perfect companion: Qualities, Compatibility and Lasting Connection.

Ever feel like you need someone by your side? It is something which everybody wants to have in their lives. It's not that living life is not manageable solo, but it makes the life better, smoother, exciting, more happening and full of happiness and shared experiences. Therefore, it becomes an important decision whom to consider your companion and build this special bond and also to become that person's companion.

A happy couple

Let's begin the thoughts that "should" surround:

1) Who can qualify as a companion?

A) A best friend.                                                                                                        

     A family member.

     Boyfriend/Girlfriend (with the intention of becoming future spouse).


Family members as companion

2) How many companions to have?

A) Probably 1. (A rare find indeed)

     Even that is difficult to find.                 

Just one

3) What are the qualities of a companion?

A) First of all, there has to be mutual feelings in both the persons involved for this relation to work out and BOTH MUST possess the underlying qualities.

• When you think of the other person there should be no poison, jealousy, or grudge in your mind. Just pure, truthful, well-wisher feelings with no hidden agendas.

• You must spend time together discussing your way of thinking and ideologies so as to understand if mentality matches and also to strengthen the bond.

• You must be a good listener to each other to provide genuine suggestions.

• "Lying business" and "Concealing facts" should be strictly prohibited.

• You must feel free to share the darkest of secrets without afraid of being judged and also keeping it confidential to the world no matter the case may be.

• You must be interested in each other's personal life and be aware of the decisions taken.

• You must be faithful and reliable to each other.

Lucky for Life

4) Once found, for how long does a companion remain?

A) If you are lucky enough, this relation may stay lifelong. Otherwise, this status may weaken if life takes an unexpected turn. Like reduction in discussions due to lack of interest, change in field which keeps you apart. Life circumstances can change requiring adjustments within the bond. Open communication and a willingness to grow together are a key to longevity. Remember that when the story ends, we begin to feel all of it.

Start your search for a companion by focusing on these essential qualities. By prioritizing compatibility and open communication, you can build a lasting and fulfilling connection.

Hope the above thoughts help you to find a companion and make your life better.

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What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

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What is the Purpose of Life and Soul? | Meaning of Life and existence.

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