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How to be Happy Forever? | Real Meaning of Happiness | Finding Lasting Happiness

How to be Happy Forever? | Real Meaning of Happiness | Finding Lasting Happiness

Have you ever wondered what true happiness really is? It is something that everyone wants to experience and there are so many questions revolving around this term like "What is happiness?", "What is real happiness?", "How can a person be happy for entire life?", "How can someone be happy during adversities?", etc., etc.... It's a very important aspect of life and it should be. Everybody wants to be happy for the whole life, why compromise on that?

kids playing happily

Let's begin the thoughts that 'should' surround.

1) Happiness is a State of mind which can be set as per one's wishes. How? We'll see later in illustration.

peaceful state of mind

2) Happiness has to be understood synonymously with terms like Satisfaction/Gratified/Content/Peace/Gratefulness. Is it possible to do so? Keep reading. 

calm, peaceful and content

3) A person should be happy NOT "For a Point in Time" BUT "Over the Whole Life". This is where most people misunderstand the real meaning of happiness. Many chase fleeting moments of joy, only to find themselves back at square one. But what if happiness wasn't a destination, but a way of life?

4) Life and Happiness is to be experienced in Balance and not at the extremes of Highs and Lows. 

Now comes the greatest of illustration that clears the concept of happiness once and for all:

Ever seen ECG readings?

ECG reading, electric cardiogram

What do we observe?

High points: What are these? These are the points in time when you achieve something, get promotion, birthdays, anniversaries, be overexcited about something, be overwhelmed, feel extremely happy. People wait for these moments to feel happy. But is it true happiness? No. These are just momentary and temporary occurrences in life that fade away in a very short time. Chasing them as your sole source of happiness leads to disappointment. Think about it.! Can you be happy for the whole year waiting for your birthday? Can you feel happiness for the rest of your life after getting a promotion?

Low points: These are the points and phases in life when you experience sorrow. The dips show sadness and challenges. This is also temporary so be patient and calm to pass through them.

Middle Line: This is the balancing line. This is the majority of time where life happens and this is exactly where the happiness should reside to prolong over the entire life.

What could be the slightest reason to be happy?

Are you alive and breathing? 

If the answer is Yes, you should be happy, and this should be enough of a reason to be happy.

Bear sitting peacefully and happily

What more reasons? 

Do you have shelter?

Do you have food?

Do you have clothes to wear?

Do you have parents?

Do you have all your limbs?

Do you have your senses working?

If 'Yes' is coming for these questions as well, a person doesn't need more reasons to be Happy and Satisfied and Content and Grateful and Peaceful. 

Being grateful to slightest of positive happenings changes the state of mind completely and this is the True Happiness.

Kid feeling the bliss of being grateful

Hope the above thoughts encourage a better way of living.

Read More on Life and Relationships Problem Solving:

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

What is the most important thing in life? What should you focus on?

Who is God? | The Meaning and Concept of God.

Why do good things happen to bad people? | Why good people suffer and bad people enjoy life? | Why life seems unfair?

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life?

What is the Purpose of Life and Soul? | Meaning of Life and existence.

Why to show Gratitude? | Importance and meaning of Gratitude.

Which is better, Single or Relationship? Pros and Cons of being Single and in Relationship.

How to care for someone? | The right way of caring.

Interesting stories to sort relationship | Relationship problem solving | Friction in relation.

How to be Happy Forever? | Real meaning of Happiness.

Whom to have as companion? | Life partner and company.

Why do people put allegations in relationship? | Relationship problem solving | Arguments and Fights.

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