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Pro Relationship Problem Solving Tips | Lessons from Top 2 Classic Stories to sort relationship friction.

Relationship problem solving | Lessons from Two Classic Stories |Interesting stories to sort relationship friction.

Tired of relationship struggles? You're not alone! Many couples face friction, often due to differences in pace or perspective. But fear not! To address a part of it, we have two classic stories. And we will be giving them a New Perspective from a relationship point of view to offer fresh insights to overcome these challenges: 

Let's begin the thoughts that "should" surround:

1st story: The Rabbit and the Tortoise Race.

Rabbit and Tortoise sitting peacefully

Forget the original story, lets relate it with the relation.

Rabbit and Tortoise both are the participants of the relationship.

Rabbit being the one with Quick Fate/Fast Actions/Quick Progress and Good Intent.

Tortoise being the one with Slow Fate/Time Taker/Slow Progress but also with Good Intent (which is a must).

Track is the Life which is Not a Race but a coarse course which is not same for everyone, and the goal is to cross the certain finishing line beyond which you could stay together forever.

Rabbit and Tortoise happy and ready for race

Story goes like this: Rabbit crossed the finishing line first. 

Then what? 

Rabbit has to WAIT for the tortoise to reach there to move along with the partner. And this waiting...... is difficult. With passage of time, it makes the Rabbit Impatient, Restless and hence Friction in the relation.

Frustrated rabbit


There are many: Continue fighting, Keep arguing, Remain Disappointed, Live with Friction and ultimately End the relation. 

Are these even remedies to a problem in a good and deserving long term relation? ... Not in the slightest.

The true remedy is Rabbit have to be Still, Calm and Patient (which is really a true test in these times vis-a-vis tackling own life problems, no doubt.). Rabbit needs to put faith in the latter and be sympathetic, empathetic, supportive and encouraging. Patience is Key, Not Speed. Embrace Calm & Support. The key is not outpacing each other. Life's journey isn't a race, and the finish line is a shared future, not a personal victory.

Rabbit and tortoise experiencing calm

2nd story: Person falling in a mud pit.

Person stuck in mud pool

What signifies the mud pit? 

On the same lines as the first story, the quicker participant reaches a certain level, grows impatient, considers this part of relation as converted into a mud pit and considers himself/herself fallen into it. Imagine the mud pit as a challenging phase in a relationship, where the quick partner feels stuck. This can lead to feelings of suffocation and despair.

Story goes like this: The person drowning in the mud tries to tackle and come out of the suffocating part to bring it back to a good and healthy relation.

But how? 

By making frantic efforts, being Restless, Haphazard, Unstable, Kicking, Moving about here and there, Fighting with it, trying to overpower it. These are the fights, arguments and friction in the relations and if these are continued, the mud is going to do what it's supposed to do, i.e. Engulf and End the relation. It's like fighting the mud itself, ensuring it engulfs the relationship.

Call for help from mud pool


Literally, to get out of it, the person needs to be Still, Calm and Patient (which is really a true test in these times vis-a-vis tackling own life problems, no doubt.). Person needs to have faith and hang on to the only helping hand and support available in the form of a wooden plank (the other participant). Find Stillness & Unity: The key to emerging from the mud pit is similar: stillness, calmness, and patience. Both partners need to trust and support each other, like relying on a helping hand or a sturdy plank.


Both stories offer the same powerful message: patience, understanding, and collaboration is crucial for overcoming relationship challenges. So, put down the blame game, embrace empathy, work together to navigate your unique journey, be grateful, be happy, fight the struggles together with hope.

Two Stories.!!!

Same Conclusion.!!!

Read More on Life and Relationships Problem Solving:

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

What is the most important thing in life? What should you focus on?

Who is God? | The Meaning and Concept of God.

Why do good things happen to bad people? | Why good people suffer and bad people enjoy life? | Why life seems unfair?

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life?

What is the Purpose of Life and Soul? | Meaning of Life and existence.

Why to show Gratitude? | Importance and meaning of Gratitude.

Which is better, Single or Relationship? Pros and Cons of being Single and in Relationship.

How to care for someone? | The right way of caring.

Interesting stories to sort relationship | Relationship problem solving | Friction in relation.

How to be Happy Forever? | Real meaning of Happiness.

Whom to have as companion? | Life partner and company.

Why do people put allegations in relationship? | Relationship problem solving | Arguments and Fights.

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