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Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life | Who is the best Role Model?

Who should be our Ideal? | Whom to follow in Life? Choosing the Ultimate Role Model: Exploring Divine Guidance for Life 

Who is your Role Model? People generally have the tendency to consider someone as their ideal so as to follow and become like that person in life. People choose Celebrities, historical figures, successful individuals, Parents, Elders, Leaders, Sportsperson, etc. as their ideal, but is it the best notion? Can there be a source of infinite wisdom and perfect character to guide you?


Let's begin the thoughts that 'should' surround:

Who do people choose as an ideal?

Mostly this decision is taken considering the behavior, qualities, achievements, etc. The crux being people need someone to showcase certain level of qualities to become a follower. Suppose you have found such a person in life. But can't there be a better ideal? Can't there be someone with such qualities but at a higher level? Is it not that humans are flawed? Have you chosen the optimum ideal to imbibe in your life? Can one person embody all the qualities you aspire to have?

Then, whom to choose as your Role Model? 

Ask yourself, why to choose a flawed human as an ideal when you have God? When God himself has already exhibited the Highest Possible Standards of Living a Life then why to choose a puny example. God took the pain of coming down on earth and live life with all the struggles in it just to Teach Humans a way of living. Make God your ideal, focus on all the positives in an optimistic way and try to implement such in your life. However, if anything feels wrong or controversial, remember the human minds are flawed and cannot comprehend all the ways of God as it should be. Be patient enough to wait for the right understanding and right motive. The divine offers a limitless source of guidance and inspiration for the human lives.

Remember: Don't Misinterpret. The divine's actions may not always be understood by humans. Seek deeper meaning and patiently wait for answers to unfold. 

Which God to choose as Ideal?

For instance, take the life of Lord Ram and Lord Krishna. Despite the innumerable struggles and hardships, they exhibited numerous qualities and that too of highest standard like Mercy, Forgiveness, Humbleness, Love, Loyalty, Character, Reliability, Faithfulness, Honesty, Integrity, Leadership, Courage, Morality, Patience, Acceptance, Limit, Knowledge, Justice, Friendship, Being Respectful, Dutiful, Calm, Control over Anger, Emotions, and what not.... What more a human could ask for in an ideal? If humans are able to imbibe even a fraction of such qualities, their life would become much smoother.

Sita and RamRadha and Krishna

Hope it helps in living a better and happier life.!

Read More on Life and Relationships Problem Solving:

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

What is the most important thing in life? What should you focus on?

Who is God? | The Meaning and Concept of God.

Why do good things happen to bad people? | Why good people suffer and bad people enjoy life? | Why life seems unfair?

What is the Purpose of Life and Soul? | Meaning of Life and existence.

Why to show Gratitude? | Importance and meaning of Gratitude.

Which is better, Single or Relationship? Pros and Cons of being Single and in Relationship.

How to care for someone? | The right way of caring.

Interesting stories to sort relationship | Relationship problem solving | Friction in relation.

How to be Happy Forever? | Real meaning of Happiness.

Whom to have as companion? | Life partner and company.

Why do people put allegations in relationship? | Relationship problem solving | Arguments and Fights.


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