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What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person | How to become a person capable of loving.

Love, it is a feeling most sought by humans and hence, rarest to find. Well, it’s not easy to understand such a vast subject by a mere article, but still, we gonna give it a try. We shall try to cover what are the benefits of love, pre-requisites to be loved and some more whereabouts of love. Keep reading through various hard and fast attributes or features of love.

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

Let’s begin the thoughts that ‘should’ surround:

What are the benefits of True Love?

  • Love is the purest of feelings.
  • Love is the most precious Jewel.
  • Love is a blissful feeling like Happiness.
  • Love elevates your life to a greater height.
  • Love gives a sense of satisfaction and belongingness in life.
  • A life without love is incomplete, so love completes a human being.

    What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

Now, we know that love is required in life. But is it easy to get? Is any good thing received in this world without hard work? No. Every other person you see, claim to be in love with someone, but is it? You’ll be able to understand till the end of this article. Love requires whole lot of efforts to be fruitful and to experience its benefits. There are plenty of rules to follow to love and be loved.

What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

What are the rules to follow in love?

First of all, the partners must possess below qualities to at least establish a love relation. Without these, it is not even possible to love, and the relation will fail.

  • The partners have to be of strong and unmoving character (Non-negotiable)
  • The partners have to be Loyal and Truthful (Non-negotiable)
  • The partners must be respectful to each other (Non-negotiable)
  • Even the thought of Cheating should not arise in eithers’ mind (Non-negotiable)
  • Purity of the physical body (Non-negotiable)

Then comes other rules which they both need to know, understand and follow:

  • Love is a discipline, keep loving a person forever.
  • Love is determination, be stubborn to love one person for life.
  • Love is not always a bed of roses.
  • Love is self-regulation and limiting of material desires.
  • Protect the purity of your body at any cost until you get married.
  • Love requires you to become deserving of love.
  • Love is beyond physical intimacy.
  • Love is compromise and sacrifice.
  • Love is understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.
  • Love is responsibility.
  • Love is caring and supporting.
  • Love is unconditional.
  • Love is not lust.
  • Love is not situational. 

    What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.

Now, you have gathered courage and know what It takes to be deserving of love in the eyes of divine.

What are the ways to find whether its is True Love or not?

Having a good understanding of what is happening in the world is very important. It shall help you in identifying the feelings of another person.
  • Love is not exploiting your physical body in the name of exploration; you are making yourself undeserving of love.
  • Never corrupt yourself or feel missed out seeing others in the world, your love is your world. You do not need to get influenced by what others are doing. Rushing for fake will make you lose the real.
  • Never let any third person to poke into your relation, their opinions and perspective will damage your relation.
    What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.
  • People are jealous and cannot bear to see a good relation, all they do is send negative vibes to hamper it.
  • Lifetime Bliss doesn't fall from sky, you'll have to prepare yourself for it.
  • Love is a roller coaster ride. Even if there are 10% of flaws, 90% of lovable person is still left.
  • Love is a private relation, not to be discussed in public.
  • Love is not, "I want this and this from you.", It is, "I want to give you all these."
  • Love is not, "why are you not doing it?", it is asking, "why are we not able to do it?"
  • Love is not freedom to do anything, it is, “I choose to not do these things willingly.”
  • Love is not for a day, a month, a year or a decade, it is till the end of life.
  • Love is not only till the good phase of life exists, but through the bad and worse phases too.
  • Love doesn’t care whether you are living the best of lives or not.
  • Love is not dependent on money, fame or beauty. Even the richest, most famous and most beautiful people have failed in keeping a relation.
  • Love is not easy, it’s difficult and at many times throughout life it will test you to the core. Do not break!
  • Love is bearing the pain together without breaking.
  • Love is living with satisfaction rather than complaints.
  • Those who are in love, solve problems together.
  • There is no break-up or change of love.
  • Be extremely cautious before loving someone, your life depends on it, and it is not a multiple-choice decision.
  • Love is a connection of togetherness that is felt not merely when both are present in person but in the conscience.
  • Humans are made to give love, but now they are focusing on wanting love from others. It results in disappointment.
    What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.
  • Love is meant to live together and fulfill the ultimate purpose of life.
  • If it is attraction towards body, habits, money, privileges, or physical attributes of the partner like hands/eyes/face etc., it's not love but lust or infatuation.         
  • If it is attraction towards how a person treats you now, it’s not love.
  • Love has no reason, there is no answer to why do you love that person.
  • Love is a feeling so intense that it can make you feel Full. No worldly fame or achievement can satiate a human, there is always Hunger for more. But love only satisfies that hunger.
  • Love is more about creating compatibility rather than finding it readymade. If you truly love someone, you'll become compatible throughout the life. If not, you'll keep making excuses because no two humans are compatible by birth.
  • Male and female are two different species whose mind and heart work differently. You cannot find someone SAME as You.
  • Health and wealth of a person are decided by destiny, it may change whenever it's supposed to change. Never keep them as basis of judging a person for loving.
  • Love someone who knows and follows the rules of love.
  • Falling in love is easy, staying in love is difficult. Be strong.!
  • Love is Selfless, think of your partner first. He/she may be in more pain than your discomfort.
  • In difficult times, focus on clear communication and understanding.
    What is True Love? | Top qualities of a lovable person.
  • Fights and Arguments are a part of life, do not avoid or run from it. Deal with it.!
  • Love resides in privacy and not in social media posts. Majority of people are not in love. Don’t get influenced by fake pretense.
  • A man must ask for nothing apart from non-negotiable love rules, but must persevere to provide what his woman needs, like care, strength, stability, house and livelihood.
  • A woman must ask for nothing apart from non-negotiable love rules, but must persevere to provide what her man needs like care, empathy, home, soothing-ness and emotional support.
  • Nature has made male and female more suitable for certain activities by performing which they can complete each other. Do not compete with your duties, focus on your set of area.
  • If you long for prosperity, wealth and achievements more, then do not love anyone, let you parents find someone with those possessions.
  • Do no go looking for love, let love come to you. 
  • Clearly understand the real motive behind why someone is saying 'I Love You' to you. Is it really love or lust or hatred.
  • Never reveal your body to anyone other than your love. Revealing it to public is the dumbest way to lose your value, no good human will love you then. 
  • There is concept of micro-cheating, keep away from it.

These are few things about love but not everything. We will keep adding more points as we get better understanding. Until then, keep diving into understanding more and more, to enrich your lives.

Hope this helps you in finding your true love and becoming deserving of Love yourself.!

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Whom to have as companion? | Life partner and company.

Why do people put allegations in relationship? | Relationship problem solving | Arguments and Fights.


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